Kevin Koh
Kevin Koh was born in the small islands of Jeju, South Korea but spent most of his years in the Philippines before moving to NYC for school. He studies at the Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University. During his time at NYU he has begun his passion for critically thinking and analyzing some of the serious global social issues.
“Religious freedom vs. extremism”
The artwork “Religious Freedom vs Extremism” is the latest social issue he’s been working on. It revolves around the idea that combating religious extremism might mean having to limit our religious rights as well. The two people interviewed, Rabbi Sarna and Anthony Nicotera, are NYU’s most prominent professors in multi faith leadership and both have spoken about multi faith leadership being a potential solution or a mitigation to religious extremism. Their beliefs did not necessarily align with Kevin’s opinion on the issue and was interviewed to further analyze the problem and potential solutions to this particular global crisis.